Guidelines for Posting Classified Ads

Classifieds are published as a service to ConnYak members and are limited to paddling related items. Commercial ads may not be published on this board, please use the Commercial Ads board. You do not need to be a member of Connyak to submit a posting.

How to submit a new Classified Ad:
(NOTE The Send Email link does not work. Be sure to include your contact information in the body of your ad.)
  • To request a Classified Ad, write a brief description of the item(s)in the subject line, then provide details in your message.
  • Use your full and proper name, anonymous postings are discouraged and will not be posted.
  • Be sure to include your location (city, state) and your contact information, e.g., e-mail address and/or phone number.
  • The Classified Editor will review your ad and post it when approved.
  • The editor may revise your ad slightly. If major changes are needed you will be sent an email and asked to resubmit your ad.

How to revise your Classified Ad:
  • Users are not able to revise or edit their ad. To revise your ad for a simple change, such as a price redution, send an email to the Classified Editor with your change request. If the change is more involved it is best to submit an new ad and include a note in the body of your ad that tells the Editor that this is a replacement for an old ad.

How to Remove a Classified Ad:
  • Please remember to contact the Classified Editor at to arrange for your ad to be deleted when it is no longer needed.
  • Ads posted longer than three months, or when the date of the event has passed, will be removed by the Classified Editor.
  • Questions may be directed to the Classified Editor at